
Produzione Pallavisini

Schienale e sedile in canna d’india, legno o imbottito, gambe in massello di faggio, giunto di metallo

Gina is an example of the research carried out by Pasquinelli to convert  the award-winning Chair Nodo into a stackable chair.

The chair is small and rather austere, “spartan”, characterized by unusually "lounge" proportions. This is due by the lateral juxtaposition of the intersection of the legs - which confers generous hips – and by  the reduced size of the backrest - the height is slightly above the lumbar fascia; the seat, compared to it, seems rather capable and generous.

Gina is a comfortable chair with the same inclinations and curvatures of Nodo, to which is inspired. Its characteristic is the triple metal joint with 30x30mm section where are grafted legs, backrest and seat. The joint consists of two parallelepipeds placed side by side, rotated of about 40 ° (the angle between the front and rear leg), and an angle of slightly more than 100 ° (the angle between the back and seat). The joint manages separately the structural tensions, no longer involved in line on a single axis as it happens in the Chair Nodo, but are distributed "in parallel".

Therefore the major stresses become twists caused by the weight among the three welded elements.

During his long and successful professional life, Pasquinelli often tested himself in a quest that, as the alchemical gold, represented the "temperate obsession" of a lifetime: the stackability.