Museo del Design del Friuli Venezia Giulia – Associazione di Promozione Sociale
P. IVA e CF 02863400301 –
UDESIGN, the map of the Design industry in Friuli
Anna Lombardi, November 2010
UDESIGN traces the first map of the businesses in Friuli that make design culture one of their main appeals and have chosen aesthetic qualities as a strategy for product differentiation in the international market. A search limited by territory that as a result is emblematic of how Italian industry is evolving. There are many businesses, small and large, from north to south, that are moving into the product innovation area: converting their own production, calling on designers to collaborate and offering new services.
Not only furnishings, not only industry. From the past to the present.
This volume collects together the results of the research into the design state of affairs in Friuli. It reflects, as far as possible, the structure of an exhibition. It is presented in sections that correspond with the various product sectors present in the territory. Expressions of a know-how that at times put down their roots long ago, the businesses represent the conceptual framework that led to the present. Alongside the prestigious Friulian Italian designer brands, there are many surprises concerning small businesses and a new generation of artisans.