
Produzione Tisettanta, Mathias

Sedia smontabile in legno di faggio con gambe tornite,scocche in legno lamellare, giunto in metallo

Immagini della sedia Lucia – questo il primo nome della sedia Nodo – in un catalogo Pallavisini.

The  metal joint, made of a bent tube welded twice, is the core of the project. Lucia, tested at  CATAS in July 1976, overcomes the "fatigue test of the structure" after 53.000 hits. Strong of this result Pasquinelli  takes his project and goes to Brianza  because Pallavisini has recently suffered damage by the earthquake of 6 May 1976 and is unable to manufacture it.

The designer gets in contact with Tisettanta, the chair is included in the catalog but only after some drastic changes: the metal joint, which the new name Nodo refers to, is completely redesigned and manufactured in to two parts obtained by casting . The chair cannot be sold dismantled. The project is distorted, the strength of the entire structure undermined. Nodo is doomed to a short life.

Lucia, later named Nodo, was originally designed for Pallavisini and was presented for the first time in its stand in Cologne in 1976. 

Pasquinelli’s aim was to give comfort to a folding chair. Lucia was awarded the honor Compasso d'Oro ADI (1979) and Bio 9 (1981).