30 March 2020

The 2020 edition of Udine Design Week will go down in history. It was scheduled for the first week in March, from the 2nd to the 9th, like every year. We managed to keep going until 8 March in order to support the city and the businesses that were taking part, then the health emergency put an end to all the events.zzzzz

We managed to deliver 80% of the programme. The uncertainty and closure of the schools prevented us from holding a number of interesting symposiums, which we will reorganise as soon as the world starts moving again. The Window Shopping Contest in particular was successful, not least because it lasted for several months. This breeding-ground for creativity was well received by the companies, shops and architects. A rapport was established between many of the businesses, which operate in extremely different fields, and will certainly bear fruit in the future. Also what has come to be known as an “open-air design museum”, displaying high quality industrial products from a number of different commodity sectors in shops has increased people’s curiosity and knowledge. We managed to keep the two major exhibitions organised for Udine Design Week, Donne al Bauhaus and Circular Design open, though only for a short time and not continuously, as well as the Plastica Preziosa performance at Casa Cavazzini. Matteo Ragni and Legnolandia respectively designed and constructed the Do Ut Des carousel for Udine Design Week, which was installed under the Loggia del Lionello. It proved its potential as an educational toy and was subject to thorough testing after children took it by storm.

Udine Design Week was organised in around 8 months by volunteers, who drew up an outstanding programme, with events and exhibitions designed to bring together public and private organisations along with internationally renowned guests to reflect upon the NATURALMENTE ARTIFICIALE ARTIFICIALMENTE NATURALE theme.

We have not abandoned the events that we did not manage to stage. They will indeed provide an opportunity to relaunch Udine Design Week, which at that point will no longer last for just one week but the entire year!


Follow the chronicle of events on Instagram @udinedesignweek_ and MuDeFri Facebook and Linkedin pages!

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