Human-centred Design , Melinda Gates, Museo del Design del Friuli Venezia Giulia, MuDeFri, sostenibilità, energia, economia circolare, design per lo sviluppo, ecologia, acqua, tecnologia, accessibilità, L'ALBERO DELLA PIOGGIA, HIPPO WATER ROLLER,

in this section

- Warka Water, the rain tree

- Hippo Water Roller

- GiraDora, washer and dryer

- Blue Diversion Toilet

- SafiChoo toilet

- Sol-Char System


"Meeting people where they are and really taking their needs and feedback into account. When you let people participate in the design process, you find that they often have ingenious ideas about what would really help them. And it’s not a onetime thing; it’s an iterative process."


[Melinda Gates, Wired, 2013/12/11]

Human-centred Design, Museo del Design del Friuli Venezia Giulia, MuDeFri, ecosostenibilità, energia, economia circolare, design per lo sviluppo, acqua, tecnologia, Warka Water, l'albero della pioggia, Arturo Vittori, Architecture and Vision,Energy,

This section is among the most full-bodied of the exhibition and the reasons are obvious. Why we have wanted to aggregate energy, water and related services it is perhaps less obvious. First, which services? Here things get complicated, or maybe they are simpler... it depends by your point of view. As part of the design for the development, in fact, bizarre things happen for a Western... Everything is off-grid, of course. In the sense that networks either do not exist or are sporadic and inefficient. So, for example, to charge your phone or brighten the house is easier to stick to the stove. Or to make the washer-dryer going it takes pedaling. Fitness and laundry: we should import the idea (just a joke!).

In another case, a strange solar machine purifies water from any pollutants and at the same time provides electricity and even an Internet connection. It promises great things. Then there is a hi-tech toilet that does not need water and turns feces into fertilizer (agriculture services)...
Here, as in the case of rescue tools, hi-tech and low-tech mix. They do so even in the same project: discover the wonder of water trees designed by Arturo Vittori.
In general, the quality of a project is measured by its impact on the community and the behavior that engenders. So a small pocket-sized solar lamp that we have best ranked as a 'gadget', in Africa means more security, better health, more education. And if you do not believe us, take advantage of the insights on the blog and the links leading without wasting time directly into the house of all the protagonists of these beautiful stories. Because if behind every product there is always a story, behind every project of Design for HELP there are dozens of stories... all different, all exciting.

- Watly life, energy, future

- Little Sun, not just a lamp

- Luci, inflatable solar lantern 

- WakaWaka Light & Power

- BioLite HomeStove